Sunday, September 4, 2011

Vancouver, Vancouver, Vancouver

You are one fine beast.

With your moody clouds...
And your quaint streets...
And your cleanliness...
And your lit nights...
And your interesting holidays (the Saturday I was there, it was "Zombie day," where hundreds of people dressed up like zombies and roamed around the streets)...

And your quirky little quirks (and once again, the moody skies)...

And your beautiful beaches (and the people who don't seem to tan)...

And... did I mention the moody skies yet? (I'm kind of in love with moody skies, if you can't tell)

I made the most out of my 3-day jaunt up north. Can't wait to share with you more stories and pictures in the next coming days!


Unknown said...

AWESOME!!! looks like it as a LOT of fun. love u

Ivana said...

That's a beautiful green tree , what a nice color!