Sunday, December 28, 2008


Zhoi Gin, Hong Kong! This is not goodbye, just see ya later.

This semester abroad has definitely been a mixed bag of emotions. There were severe highs and outrageous lows. There were tragic tears but also unbelievable joys. But the best thing that I walked away from the last half year was learning. Learning from my mistakes, learning from my experiences, learning from what I saw, what I tried, who I met.

Here are some special folks that I want to shout out to. Those that have made my semester at Hong Kong so unbelievably memorable.

EAP Group

I've never really had a group before. Never felt the need to tie myself down with one group of friends. I've always been more of a nomad, a wanderer. But I have to say, I definitely had so much fun with these guys in Hong Kong this year. Partying, cheering eachother on at basketball games, 10PM sushi dinners, traveling. You guys were a barrel of laughs, a bucket of fun and a truckload of love. Thanks for all the good times guys! Let's hang out when we get backkkkk!! I better see you all on Bruinwalk!

As much as I loved hanging out with a group, my nomad tendencies still pluck at my heartstrings. These are some one on oners that I also enjoyed spending my time with.


Girlfriend, this is going to sound soooo cheesy but I knew since the first day that I saw you at R.C. Lee when I was moving in that we were going to be great friends. It was confirmed when we went out that first night and we made that special...revelation. There's no one else I like to go clubbing with better and no one else I like to chat until the wee hours of mornings with. You call me on my shit and I am so grateful for your no-nonsense New York honesty. I can't wait to visit you in the East Coast someday (soon) and you better come over to Cali! I just realized we never went traveling together. Put that on your to-do list, okay? Okay.


BF! Who would have known when we first met eachother at Jono's birthday dinner that we would end up exploring Hong Kong (and then some) together? Thanks for bursting my bubble on boys and helping me with everything, from spotting me 8 bucks to shopping with me to being my "Russell." You know way too much about me so I need to stay on your good side! Or else I'm afraid all our mutual friends-and boy, do we have a lot of mutual friends-will probably get an earful of humiliating Janice stories. Team Dynasty FTW!


Oh my twinsie. You've been such a blast to get to know this semester. Who knew I would find my other half in a Caucasian girl from Sheboygan? I'm so sad we didn't get a chance to say a proper farewell but I'll definitely be seeing you around ol' City of Industry soon right? I mean, we lived through Thailand together! We can make it through America!  I hope you're having a blast with your family and friends back home. 30 Rock update soon!


Oh girly, class with you has been so fun this semester. Hopefully, we'll have more! I loved scarf shopping with you and talking about the sweet life in Switzerland. I know we'll have more of these moments back in LA and I can't wait.

Jeff and Jenn

Oh you two.  I've never shared more laughs or developed more insights to the world and the people living in it than when I'm with you two.  You're both always down for anything and everything, not like some party poopers that we know (speaking of poopers.....)  I love our laughs and our goofy dorkiness.  BRUINWALK REUNION PLEASE!

The Family

One of the main reasons I chose to stay in Hong Kong this semester was so I could spend more time with my cousins, Cissy and Irene.  As usual, you gals were the most gracious hostesses and provided me with everything I could ever hope for and more.  I hope you had as much fun being entertained by my awkward, clumsy, general Janice-ness as I was with your amazing Wang sister beauty, presence, charm and success.  I love you guys and can't wait until we next see each other!

I'll probably be staying put around LA for the next couple of months but that doesn't mean I won't be updating! (After all, a trip to Vegas is still traveling, right?) And also, be prepared for another blog I'm brewing up soon...


Anonymous said...

i have to agree with you janice, i never felt the need to be cliquey and have a "group" until i studied abroad...maybe its the whole being in a foreign country thing?

and are you going to stop blogging on this blog?! nooooooooooo you can't stop!

i am g2g visit your new blog right now!!

ATLAS said...

true that one love is like in your eyes.